Golfers Club @ T&C Event Information
The Golfers Club @ T&C is a golfing club that conducts regularly scheduled golf outings at the Town & Country golf course throughout the golfing season. The club is open to men and women. We are also a golfing organization that sponsors junior golf and an annual scholarship award for a deserving area youth.
For more information, or a membership application, contact Bob Oonk at 920-453-8424 (or email boonk@charter.net), or contact any of the golf professionals at the Town & Country golf shop. If you enjoy golfing in organized handicapped and non-handicapped events, please consider joining The Golfers Club @ T&C.
The following is a description of Events The Golfers Club @ T&C offers.
The Golfers Club @ T&C is a golfing club that conducts regularly scheduled golf outings at the Town & Country golf course throughout the golfing season. The club is open to all. We are also a golfing organization that sponsors junior golf and an annual scholarship award for a deserving area youth.
For more information, or a membership application, contact Bob Oonk at 920-453-8424 (or email boonk@charter.net), or contact any of the golf professionals at the Town & Country golf shop. If you enjoy golfing in organized handicapped and non-handicapped events, join The Golfers Club @ T&C.
The following is a description of Events The Golfers Club @ T&C offers.
Player of the Year - All members of the club are eligible to win. Points are awarded for participation in events as well as bonus points for placing in club events. Individual stroke play events like Club Championship, Red Ted Challenge and Spanferkel are all worth double points. At the end of the season, the player with the most points is crowned Player of the Year. That Individual will earn a crystal trophy and a gift certificate. 2nd and 3rd places in the standings will also earn gift certificates.
Club Championship – (Double Point Event) This is a 36-hole stroke play event with competitors placed into one of three or four flights based on handicap (USGA). Stroke play within the brackets will be based on gross scores. All winners are recognized at the end of year Awards Banquet.
Spanferkel Tournament - (Double Point Event) This annual event is open to the public. Events include individual and team prizes. There is a traveling trophy presented to the low gross individual champion. Club points will be awarded to club players relative to their finish to other club members. This is the club's main fundraiser. Money raised is used to sponsor Junior Spanferkel (Jr. Golf Tournament) at the T & C Golf Course and is used to award scholarships to local high school seniors.
Match Play (Singles) - All entrants are placed into one of three or four flights based on handicap (USGA). Once placed into the proper flight, brackets are posted, and play begins. Play is head-to-head against a player of similar ability in an 18-hole handicapped match. The winner will advance to the next round until a champion is crowned in each bracket. Winners are recognized at the Awards Banquet.
Match Play (Doubles) - The two-person teams are placed into a single bracket. After the brackets are posted, play will begin. Play is team against team in a handicapped 18-hole best ball match. The winning teams will advance to the next round until the champion is crowned. Winners are recognized at the Awards Banquet.
Any 3 Clubs & 5 Iron - Putter Events - These two nine-hole events kick off mark the end of our golf season. Both earn participation points for Player of the Year but are really about the fun challenge of playing the entire nine-hole round with only 3 clubs of your choice or only your 5 Iron and Putter. There are hole prizes, a skins games, and an award for guessing your score.
Spring Scramble & Summer Scramble - Teams of golfers will be balanced by USGA handicap by the tournament committee. Both events are a scramble format where all players will hit from each location selecting the best shot and repeating the process until the ball is holed out. Alternatively, 3-person, 2-Ball 4-person, Step Aside, or other scramble formats may be used.
Two Ball, Four Golfer Scramble - Format sometimes used for the Spring/Summer Scrambles. This scramble format is different in that after all four players hit their tee shot, they then form two, two-golfer teams. The two teams play a two-golfer scramble to complete the hole. Their team score is the total of both two golfer’s teams scores. This process is repeated for each hole with potentially different two-golfer teams created on each hole.
Step Aside Scramble – Format sometimes used for the Spring/Summer Scrambles. This scramble format is different in that after all four players hit their tee shot, the golfer whose shot is selected must step aside while the remaining 3 golfers hit the next shot. After the three golfers hit the second shot the best is selected and that golfer steps aside as well. The remaining two golfers are left to reach the green, where all 4 golfers can try the putt. Same process is then repeated for the remaining holes.
Triple Threat Scramble - Teams of three players will be evenly grouped together by the tournament committee. This event is a unique scramble type format. Each of the three players will tee off and then select the best tee shot. From this spot one player will play alone until he holes out and two players will play a scramble until they hole out. The score recorded is the total of the individual playing alone and the score of the two-player scramble team. Each player plays six holes as an individual and 12 holes as two player scramble team. The tournament committee will designate which holes the player plays as an individual and which players play as a team.
Six-Six-Six Event - Teams of two players will be evenly grouped together by the tournament committee. This event is three events in one. The first six holes is a 2-person best ball, the second six is a 2-person scramble and the final six is a 2-person alternate shot. Prizes are awarded in each six-hole event as well as overall champions.
Red Tee Challenge - (typically a Double Point Event) This is an 18-hole stroke play event with competitors placed into one of three or four flights based on handicap (USGA). Stroke play within the brackets will be based on gross scores. All players will play from the Red Tees giving many players a fresh look at the golf course.
Chicago Stableford Team Event - (may be a Double Point Event) This is an 18-hole stroke play team event with competitors placed into USGA handicap balanced foursomes. Each golfer starts with a negative point score based on their handicap. Then points are awarded on each hole; 1 point for a Bogey, 2 points for a Par, 3 points for a Birdie, 4 points for Eagle and 5 points for a Double Eagle. The total number of points earned by the team compared to the other team’s total to determine the winning team.
Road Trips - (typically a Double Point Event) Each year the club schedules a golf outing or two at another golf course, typically out of town but within about an hour’s drive time. This is a handicapped stroke play event with a skins game. Prizes and points are awarded for 3-4 flights of players grouped by handicap. Members are encouraged to invite guests to fill out the field.
Beat the Pro’s Events – 2 Club Pro’s play against multiple Club 2-person teams to see if Club members can “Beat the Pro’s”. Various formats are played including 2-person scramble, 2-person Best Ball and 2-person Chapman Alternate Shot.
TC Ryder Cup – Two Club members will pick teams from Club members signed up to form two teams. Each team will then pair golfers to form 2-person teams to play matches against the other team. Scramble, Chapman Alternate Shot, and Best Ball are the formats. The team with the most match points will win bragging rights over the losing team.
Big Money Bust-up – Individual stroke play event with winners for Low Net. Top finishers with low net scores will receive larger than normal certificate prizes.
Hole in One Club - Each member is eligible to join this special event for an additional fee of $35. One half of the fee is used to defray the cost of the Hole in One Banquet. The other half of the fee is used to award participants with cash prizes for getting holes in one.
Awards Banquet - This is an end of year social event beginning with a cocktail social hour, followed by dinner and the presentation of the year's awards. Spouses and significant others are welcome. The club subsidizes the cost of this event to reduce member cost.
Members are encouraged to play in as many events as they wish. There is no minimum number of events a member is required to play, but the more events a member plays, the better the chance the member can become Player of the Year (POY). There will be great competitive golf and great camaraderie for all that participate.